Saturday, January 18, 2014

I hate lemon bars. Eating one is like being punished. I know I am not the only person in the world that hates them. They taste like crap. I dislike the texture, the crust ( if you can call it that) and the powdered sugar topping. That is not a frosting!!!!!   phpBB • View topic - vomiting smiley - where?

Yeah, that is how I feel about lemon barfs, I mean bars.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Websites That I Love Pt.1

Hi all,

I thought it might be fun to write a list of some of my favorite websites.
I LOVE celeb gossip so I often head over to to get my fix.

And in who does not love All those great pictures and articles. I should mention that they do not post as many online games as they use to.

And finally, check out The blogger is really great about putting links to all the new free Amazon books.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stupid Things I Have Looked Up On Google

More often then I would like to think I seem to come up with stupid questions and eventually I will look up the answer on Google. This is far better than asking someone and then they think you are an idiot.

For some reason I was thinking about fat people. I am not being mean as I myself am fat. I was just wondering if overweight people can go without food longer due to their excess fat stored.
And guess what?
I suck at drawing or really anything artistic.

Getting back on point, fat people do survive longer in most cases. Not so much in a zombie apocalypse but I  meant like lost in a forest or deserted island.
You learn something new everyday!

Side note, just dropped my phone six inches from the ground and now the screen is totally broken. 

Elvis the Crab- Children's Book

Hello everyone,

 I just started writing a Children's book called Elvis the Crab. It is about a crab who loses his hat and you need to help him find it. I want it eventually to be an interactive app. The story came about because my oldest son really loves crabs. In addition, he is at the age where he likes books that rhyme and have items he needs to find on the page. I could not really find a book that fit the criteria that I was looking for so I will just write it.

Postpartum Hives

I wrote this article to share on another site but, I thought I would also have it on my blog with pictures.

I am going to start this out by stating I am not a medical professional nor am I instructing anyone to do anything.
This is my personal account of what I did when I had postpartum hives.

This is my eyes a few days after a reaction. They are not swollen shut so this is not the best image of how bad they got. I just never took a picture when they were at their worst as it was very depressing.

I had my first experience with pph about six months after my first son was born.  It started off innocuous enough. I woke up one morning and my eyes felt gritty and were a little puffy. Within the next few hours they went from being a little gritty to incredibly itchy and the skin around my eye started to burn. The burning felt like really bad sunburn. Soon, the skin was super wrinkled and it looked as if I had aged about 40 years overnight! Almost every lotion or cream I tried burned like fire when applied and the skin always felt dry and hot to the touch. At this point I did not think it could get much worse. I was so wrong! The next morning my eyes were so swollen I could not even open my eyes. At the time I did not have insurance so I did not see a doctor. After about a week my facial swelling was gone but I would get a random and weird red ring around my mouth. I lived off of benedryl as again no insurance and in those hellish months some days were better than others. Finally, one day it just seemed to fade away. I lost the weight that I had been carrying since I was pregnant and I felt like myself again. Two years later I give birth to my next son. Within a month of his birth my eye symptoms have returned and they are 10 x worse. I was very upset this had started again as I had not made the connection between my reaction and the first pregnancy. I started a regiment of Zyrtec and Zantac taking both twice a day and supplementing benadryl when needed for itching but it was not working. I spent tons of time pouring over the internet, reading blogs and questions trying to come up with ways to ease my itching and burning. Finally, a family friend suggested I go gluten free. I scoffed at her as I did not see the connection. However, I had reached my limit and was willing to try literally almost anything just to stop the itching. Going gluten free was not fun for me as I love pasta, bread and cereals. Within two days I started to see results. I was not as itchy and some of the swelling had gone down. A week after starting the diet that was HUGE improvements. I was skeptical and thought the rash had gone away by itself so I indulged in some fresh bread and pasta. The itching started again within three hours but it was not bad. The next day was a different story. I was back to where I started, with eyes swollen shut and skin burning. So far it has been three months and I follow the gluten free diet exclusively. I have not gotten a reaction as long as I am very careful about what I eat. If I deviate even a little bit I start the whole process over again. If I get some cross contamination and am exposed to gluten I have a prescription for Atarax and that makes an outbreak so much more pleasant. This is a temporary solution and I still take the Zyrtec and Zantac. My quality of life has vastly improved and I hope this works for me till my body gets everything sorted out.

At Least I Wrote Something

Wrote an article on about my experiences with Postpartum hives and what worked for me.
Hopefully it gets published soon.